AI Chatbot
A next-generation AI Bot empowered by Deep Learning (DL) and Natural Language Processing (NLP) to redefine your customer journey.
Traditional Chatbot
End-to-end NLU model
Keywords & Rule driven
Speak 20+ languages supported by mutilingual NLU model
Only speak a few standard languages or use translation tool
Handle multi-round conversations
Perform a wide range of tasks (e.g. check account information, process a payment, etc.)
Handle single round conversations
Auto-reply to FAQs (e.g. general policy, location information, etc.)
In-depth analysis
Smart assurance
Smart AI education
Operation & Optimization
Basic reporting
Manual log review
Technical support
Ease of implementation
Accuracy rate
Resolution rate
Resolution rate
“easy to optimize”
Feedback from Enterprises
“limited support”
“hard to imporve”
“technical threshold”
Talk Freely With Your Customers Like A Local
Our bot can converse with customers in their preferred languages (we currently support 20+ major languages).Learning from every customer conversation, Bot gets smarter and smarter over time - achieve Understanding Accuracy Rate up to 97%, Resolution Rate up to 90%.
  • Semantic analysis capability with human-level accuracy
  • iconfont Informal language, slang, regionalisms and other variations
  • Auto correcting errors and unnecessary characters
  • Respond to REPEAT or REVISION requests
Delight Your Customers with Conversational Automation
Bot is more than just a QA chatbot - it’s an all-round assistant for customers. Workflows automate repetitive and costly customer tasks, saving time for support teams and enabling customers to self-serve. To check account information, make a reservation, process a payment - just talk to the Bot!
  • Conversational user interface (CUI)
  • No-coding workflow designer
  • Easy system integration
Ensure Consistent & Personal Support With Smarter Hand-Off
Bot can not only automate front-line requests but also identify the best timing to transfer to live agents when some human touch is needed. Bot offers seamless second-line support from human agents when things get more “personal” or “out of reach”.
  • Configurable transfer strategies
  • Real-time transfer
  • Conversation history transfer
Guide Lean Management on Customer Experience
Level up customer experience and service efficiency with a holistic view of business. Bot offers a broad range of metrics about your customers by analyzing conversation content - identify gaps between what your customers really care about and your current offering, and take action to improve your customer support.
  • Trending topic
  • Uncovered FAQ discovery
  • Sentiment analysis
  • Satisfaction analysis
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