The intelligent inspector for your busienss

See uncovers valuable insights for companies from tens of thousands of customer interactions to ensure high-quality service, regulatory compliance and business growth.

Tier-1 voice/text transparency tool
Flow compliance
See follows the actual standard of agent SOP to detect any potential frauds in the compliance requirement of agents.
Keywords Alert
See scans the call logs to see if any sensitive keywords occur - an alert will be issued to the management team for action if there is any.
Agent monitor
Apart from the content of call logs, See can also monitor Agent’s behaviour during the call eg. speech rate, mute, call grabbing and repeated calls, etc.
Performance Evaluation
Through a flexible scoring template, ”See“ evaluates agent performance from its performance from multiple perspectives and outputs a score of a predefined pattern.
Transparency Tool 1.0
Key words/Rule-base
Transparency Tool 2.0
Simple NLP
Transparency Tool 3.0 (Zhuiyi)
Advance NLP
Detection rate
Accuracy rate
Effortless monitoring of agent service
Companies spend a lot on manual inspection check of customer service, yet still can not fully prevent imcompliance or frauds. Now, with See, you will have a 24*7 inspector to monitor all your call logs of all agents/sales and evaluate the performance.
24*7 inspection service
Instant Reports
flexible scoring template
Helping enterprise deal with otherwise uncovered issues
Although voice data has become a crucial asset for most enterprises, there remain few companies transforming these data into useful information. Our inspection bot- See aims to solve this issue, as SEE summarises all these data into useful graphs and reports. trending topics、alerts on critical issues 、customer complains trending analysis, all the information helps management team understand more about their companies and make right adjustments.
multi-dimensional report
hotspots analysis
sensitive topics analysis
Maximise potential consumer’s value, increasing revenue by creating customer portrait
In the AI era, enterprises are expected to know more about their customers triggering the need to create a more accurate and timely customer persona. It seems impossible to keep the customer portraits updated if they are manually maintained. With NLP technologies, see can understand customers‘ conversations and infer customer’s behaviors and preferences.
Customer Analysis
Intent Classification
Customer Portrait Analysis
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